Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things

This documentary looks at living with less. Experiencing the important things in life.

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This documentary looks at living with less. Experiencing the important things in life.

Although this is not directly a documentary about fashion, it delves into living a life with less stuff. When I watched this, it made me think about Fast Fashion and how we spend, spend, spend without giving a thought to whether we really need the items of clothing.

This documentary will make you think about whether you really need that dress for that party or the new pair of jeans.

Juliet Schor mentioned something that really rings true to me, she said:

“We are too materialistic in the everyday sense of the word, and we are not at all materialistic enough in the true sense of the word. We need to be true materialists, really care about the materiality of goods.” ~ Juliet Schor

The fashion industry is a consumption industry… fast fashion, making and buying clothes quicker, cheaper and at so much cost to society and the environment. This must change, we need to buy clothes that we love and cherish.