How to break up with fast fashion: Tip #3, Rediscover your wardrobe

Now you've completed your wardrobe clear-out, it's time to take a look at the items you have left. These are the items you chose because you love them! It's time to rediscover your wardrobe!


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Now you’ve completed your wardrobe clear-out, it’s time to take a look at the items you have left. These are the items you chose because you love them! It’s time to rediscover your wardrobe!

Put together outfit combinations

It’s time to get your wardrobe organised. Rather than sorting your wardrobe by item type (jumpers, trousers, skirts) we advice hanging your wardrobe by outfit. So, if you have a pair of boyfriend jeans you would hang this next to your classic t-shirts and slouchy jumpers. You could pair the jeans with a couple of t-shirts and tops. Choose the accessories too! Put the shoes you’d wear with these jeans underneath this section. This way, when you look in your wardrobe it is catagorised by outfits and style rather than item type. If you know today is a comfy day, you can head straight to the boyfriend jeans section and all your decisions have been made.

No wardrobe? Just drawers?

No problem… This works equally well in drawers. We roll or fold our jeans and matching tops and place them in the drawer together, this way they are easy to find.

Items that don’t match anything else?

You’ll be left with items that don’t match anything else in your wardrobe. These are the items you love but probably have never worn because nothing ever goes with them. You have two choices:

  1. Sell these items or donate to charity
  2. Buy the items you need to make this into an outfit. Ensuring you shop sustainably

If you choose option 2, make sure you buy items that will last and that you’ll be able to wear for years to come. Maybe even buy items that will mix and match with other outfits in your wardrobe.

The goal is for your wardrobe to be an investment in quality, sustainable pieces that you’ll wear for years to come.