
All our articles are checked for correctness. We do our best to recommend products based on our research. Please do your own research to ensure the products you buy fit your criteria.

All information is correct at time of writing.

We do not take responsibility for the content on external websites that we link to… although, we only link to brands and products that meet our quality requirements.

Affiliate Links

This site earns revenue using Skimlinks. In the interests of disclosure and ethics, we want to be open about how we make money from our site. Besides display advertising and other paid sponsorships, we also sometimes get paid a commission if you purchase a product or service that we link to in our content. We want to be clear that our reviews are driven entirely by our editorial staff based on what we think. We use Skimlinks to help us automate the process of linking to products, especially as it distances our editorial staff from creating affiliate links themselves.

You will know if a link is an affiliate link because it will be marked with a *. Affiliate links bring no cost to you, our readers, we simply receive a commission if you purchase from the website we have highlighted.

Most companies we link to are smaller companies and we rarely make a commission from any of our recommendations as they don’t participate in affiliate programs. Our aim is to spread the word about the urgent need for change in the fashion industry, based around changing our own shopping habits. Fast fashion can’t exist if the customers don’t buy their products.

We will not and do not link to fast fashion companies. We do not want to make any money from sales on these websites!